Thursday 12 June 2014

This was supposed to be the start of something...

As predicted, Monday's WOD was hard.  I was beat by the end of it, considering it was "only" 2 minute bursts of work, followed by 1 minute of rest.  I mean, I can do anything for TWO minutes, right?!?  Ugh...

The row was fun.  I actually enjoy rowing...a lot.  So much so that a Concept 2 now takes up real estate in my little house.  The previous owner had the basement set up as a gym, so it's only fitting that it remains that way.  I can't do a lot of overhead stuff down there...the joy of 101 year old homes is that they don't tend to have basements, and if they do, they were built for very short people.  I would say the ceiling height is about 7', but that's not enough for all 5'10" of me to do any sort of jumping around or the likes.  But the floor is rubber mat and there's mirrors on the walls.  I've set up my TV, PVR and DVD player down there, along with the rower, some free weights, foam roller and other assorted "work out" stuff I find while unpacking.  Once I've got it set up the way I want, I'll post a pic of my "home gym".  Anyway, lurv rowing, although the belly (and depleted cardio) has gotten in the way of my speed.  I did manage to row 24 calories in the 2 minutes, so we'll see how that improves over the next few months.

Next on the list were pull-ups.  Again, the upper body strength is gone, and combine that with trying to pull up a rather large mass of weight (I'll go as far as saying the number starts with a "2"), my pull-ups are non-existent right now.  I did ring rows (plant feet, hang back from rings and pull your body up) and again, managed 21 in the 2 minutes.

Then we had front squats.  I was really concentrating on my hip crease passing the knees, and keeping my knees out, ankles straight, etc.  I did clean and squat 50#, but only 11 times.

Using that 50# bar, we then moved on to shoulders to overhead (STOH), which means push press, press, jerk...what ever it takes to get the bar up.  While I had RMd (1 round, max rep) at 60# earlier, I didn't want to push things and walk away injured.  I dropped the weight to 50# for a reason, and churned out 13 push press.

Lastly, double-unders.  I just don't get these.  Maybe it's because of my very un-girly-like childhood, where I didn't skip rope or do double-dutch or any of that, but I just can't get my feet up high enough, or my rope moving fast enough or what have you, to do these.  So I spent 2 minutes whipping myself in the ass, thighs and calves.  Sigh.

Anyway, finished the class, got home and rowed another 10 minutes (1921m, 106 cal) and cranked out the necessary squats, sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and planks to get caught up with the 30 day challenges I'm doing (missed them on the weekend due to a wedding, and really not wanting to!  HAH!).  So just because I'm a sucker, that meant 85 squats (added to the 11 front squats), 85 sit-ups, 50 crunches, 50 leg raises and 1:05 plank.  Then inhaled a lovely dinner of greens, smoked salmon, rapini, cucumber, capers and EVOO dressing.  It was simple, high in protein and delicious, but a tad high in WW points (15).  Can work on that, I suppose.  But it was GOOD.

Was looking forward to a quiet evening of rowing and ab work on Tuesday, but after a lunch with coworkers at Moxie's earlier in the afternoon, I have to say I just did not feel good.  Not sure if it was the Salmon Banh Mi - which they should mention on the menu that it's a deep fried salmon patty, and not a healthy grilled piece of fish - which sat in my gut all afternoon, or a case of the stomach flu, which is going around.  Needless to say, dinner was nothing on Tuesday, and the icky feeling carried on through the night and all day Wednesday.  Lunch yesterday was a bowl of beef barley soup and some ginger ale, while dinner consisted of chicken broth with little noodles in it.  No WODing for me.  Boo.  And no ab work, no rowing, nothing.  Double boo.

Finally feeling better today, although I did have more ginger ale at lunch and a rather "plain" salad.  No crossfit on my schedule for tonight, so I'll fire up the rower when I get home, and get caught up (again) with the squats and abs (not liking that I suddenly have 160 squats to crank out!).  That should help me get a nice sweat on for the day.  I was down at WW this morning (thank you, stomach), and I want to keep that momentum going!  Have to swing by MEC on the way home, as I need bear spray for Saturday's trail race.  A little concerned that I am "running" a race on Saturday, but it will mean a weekend in the mountains, which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  Deets to follow.

Happy go lift something!

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