Friday 20 June 2014

Shakey Shoulders

After wisely skipping Monday's WOD (too many DUs for an ankle just off a trail run), I went and saw Dr. Dave for my usual ART work-over.  The good news is everything held up pretty well, considering I hadn't been running in quite some time.  The right ankle was a little locked up, but nothing some good twists couldn't fix.  The left leg and IT were in great shape, as was my right wrist - again, just a little locked up.  My left shoulder got the bulk of the attention, as it was it's usual whiny self.  The pain is somewhere near where the deltoid and pecs meet up, and feels like it's deep inside.  Feels like I want to "pop" the joint, and sometimes restrict when I'm doing overhead lifts.  But had a good ART session and am going to be a rebel and go a whole THREE weeks without, just to see how the body holds up under pressure.  I know he's only a phone call away should something horrible happen!!

I did make it to crossfit on Wednesday, where we worked on pull-ups, box jumps, squat clean & jerks and toes to bar.  Everything I need to work on.

We started with a few minutes of just hanging from the bar.  The goal here was to engage your lats, and practice kipping for the T2B.  I can barely even last 2 seconds hanging from the bar.  Nothing wants to engage!!  But I kept climbing back up there, and even tried "hanging" with my feet resting on a base, just to take the pressure off.  Slowly but surely I will get my strength back.

On to the 10 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) - I like these, as it's usually a few of an exercise and then you have the rest of the minute to rest, regroup, add weights, etc.  This one has us doing 3 strict pull-ups (no kipping or butterfly) on the odd minutes and 5 MR box jumps, rebounding if possible, on the even minutes.  For my pull-ups, I stuck with ring rows, although I did my best to hang really well, so I was pulling up most of my body weight.  Working on strength and form.  Box jumps is something I have never done well.  I freak myself out, imagining my very ungraceful self landing splat on or over the box.  So I start with weights stacked on the floor.  I did actually try to jump from weights to the box, but Coach Bradford didn't like that I could step off funny, so he suggested just jumping on stacked weights for now.  For future knowledge, 2 45# plates (the rubber ones) stacked is about 8".  I did manage to get up to 2 x 45# + 1 x 35#, or about 11" before I freaked out and couldn't jump any more.  Man, must get out of my head!!!

After that, we picked a weight to do squat C&Js, our box height and a bar for T2B.  I do my T2B on the floor, as again, I'm just working on form and rebuilding the strength.  Besides, I find my big belly helps with resistance!!  I settled on 55# for the C&Js, although mine weren't maybe as smooth as some.  And the two stacked plates, for 8" box jumps.  This was an 18 minute AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible), where we did 5 squat C&Js, 10 T2B and 15 box jumps.  I ended up cleaning the bar and then squatting (again, focused on form!), finally rising to do a jerk - or in my case, I found myself push-pressing more.  But I got the bar off of the ground and into the air with success, so I'm happy!!  I managed 3 full rounds plus 2 more C&Js.  Baby steps.  What I love is no one at my Box judges me, and all are more than encouraging.  And I still got my sweat on!!  Have I mentioned that I take lousy selfies?!

Sort of looking forward to tonight's WOD - sort of - it's all about the squat tonight, as we work on back-squats, front squats and thrusters.  Oh so many thrusters!!  At least I don't have a race tomorrow that I must worry about seizing up my legs, so it's game on.  And the weekend looks nice enough to work in my new little yard, buy a propane tank for my BBQ and maybe cook in the great outdoors!!!  

Happy "almost first day of" Summer!  Now go lift something!!

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