Tuesday 24 June 2014

All for Squat

It's been a squat-a-thon type of week at the Box lately, which is not a bad thing.  It is, after all, yet another move/mobility issue that I need to work on, so suck it up and do it!

Friday was truly squat hell.  Good thing I had my Olys with me.

Not remembering what my max rep back or front squats even are, I decided to start small and work my way up in the weight.  I started at 35# for each, concentrated heavily on form (I do have a tendency to collapse in on myself - aka tight hips) and managed to make my way up to 65# for the back squats (which would work out to a 93# max) and 60# for the front squat (86# max).  My back squats have always been stronger...nice that the legs are good at something!  Then we got into the Thruster AMRAP.  Theory is that you would get through the 90 thrusters and then just as many as possible at the high weigh till the 10 minutes were up.  To that I say bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!  Snort, giggle, seriously?!  Just for reference: a thruster is a full front squat followed by a push press, all in smooth movement.  I managed the first 30 at 35#, broken up into groups of 5.  I did this with the 35# bar with wooden "weights" on the end.  These wood discs are the same size as the standard weights, so that you can clean or lift from the correct height.  You just can't drop the weight, like the rubber ones.  That would be bad.  I then added 5#, and started into the second group of 30, squeezing in 18 before the clock ran out.  All in all, a good day.

Saturday was spent back at the Box for a team PR challenge, at which I cheered and judged.  This was part 2, and the times posted since the last one 8 weeks ago were amazeballs!  One team took almost 6 minutes off their previous time.  That is HUGE!  And everyone had so much fun, with silly costumes, and stand-ins (Coach Em is in Boston, receiving special coaching for the Crossfit Games that she'll be competing in, come July) and much encouragement all around.

Wrapped up with the usual BBQ (surprising how many crossfit boxes have bbqs on site) and beers, but I had to rush off to the salon for my "kill the grey and make it stop touching my ears" visit.  All prettied up, and it was back to hang with the gang, as two of our members are heading to the States for work/school, so they were sent off in style.  Photo-booth, videos, Facetime with Coach Em, etc.  Tears, laughter and many hugs later, and I was finally home.

Meant to stay there all day Sunday, but it was another friend's birthday, and she was giving me some plants from her garden, so I can start working on mine.  Six hours (and some wine) later, I finally made it home again.  Needless to say, I accomplished NOTHING.  Oh well, that's what "next weekend" is for.

Back to the Box last night, and more back/front squats.  I added 10# to my end weight for each (yahoo!), and then attempted the 20 minutes of sunshine and butterflies...that's what I was calling it, anyway.

Rather than run 400m (Coach saw my warm-up, and decided I should row...what?!), I rowed 500m and did regular push-ups, concentrating on form, followed by a 20 second bear hold (basically a downward dog).  I am happy to report my wrist can almost support my weight again, with just a couple of twinges.  That is HUGE news!!  Row again, followed by 20 ring rows, row and 20 T2B, lying on the ground.  However, Coach still wants us to work on our shoulder strength, so also had to hang from the bar and at least swing the legs around.  Managed to do a few that actually felt like my feet left the ground.  Again, baby steps.  Back on the rower for the last 500m, but sadly time ran out before I could start my burpees.  Boo-urns.  Snicker...

Got home and collapsed on the couch.  I had leftover Chinese from Friday, so I tossed the noodles and mixed veggies into a pan and added some fresh shrimp.  It was delish, and loads for lunch today as well.  Goal for today is get my grass cut, weeds whacked and the plants from Sunday into the ground.  It looks nice out, but windy, and hoping the rain holds off till I'm done.  Fingers crossed.

Happy Tuesday, everyone.  No go lift something!

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