Friday 4 July 2014

So very sleepy

Yes, it was a two-fister kind of morning...

6 shots followed by a Pike.  And yes, I drank both.  And no, my heart is not racing out of my chest, but at least I don't feel quite as draggy as first thing this morning.  Honestly, I felt drunk, that's how tired I am.  Deets to follow.

First...the Queen/Adam Lambert concert was PHENOMENAL!!!!
If you have the opportunity to go, do it.  Adam didn't spend the 2+ hours impersonating Freddie Mercury, but was true to his own self and talent.  Maybe couldn't hit a couple of Freddie's notes, but all in all was a great showman and looked to be having a blast.  And the "old guys", Roger Taylor and Brian May proved that they still had it.  Brian's 20 minute guitar solo was mind-blowing, and I'm certain there are some 20-year-olds out there trying to figure out how he did that!

Friday's WOD was one I actually looked forward to, and for the most part, did just fine.  Granted, I'm not a fan of snatches, so kept the weight low so I could concentrate on form (40#) but I did manage a 90# deadlift...45 times, as a matter of fact!  Even my "from the knees" push-ups are feeling stronger, day by day.  Baby steps.

Saturday morning was a fun class too, although in place of running the mile, I rowed 2k.  Again, save for the double-unders, which are my nemesis, I could do the kettlebells (18#) and wallballs (8#) with ease.  Okay, maybe not "ease" but I didn't hurt myself, and managed to get through one full round, and back to the wallballs before the 20 minutes was up.  Went to donate blood looking like the above.  Hehehehe

 Spent the weekend trying to tackle the jungle that is my yard - oy - still have so much to pull and go through.  I am beginning to feel that the previous owners were not garden people.  I'll get it cleaned up this year, and focus on an actual garden plan for next year.  Want to put in tiered boxes and plant vegetables and some raspberry bushes, etc, to make this MY yard.  Just not sure which corner to even start in!

Also spent all of holiday Tuesday putting my bed together.  See the boxes in the above photo...that's the bed before.  Over 3 hours and many, many f-bombs later, I finally had a bed.  The bed people need to warn you though that with the box spring, you'll have something that you need to vault into each night.  I'm tall, and I am debating getting myself a step stool for it.  And my poor old kitty, George.  He's just baffled by how tall this thing is.  Off looking for those pet steps, even as I type.

I decided to try the 21-day Beachbody plan, as a friend is a coach and others seem to have found success with it.  Granted, I haven't really dived in full force, but the before pictures should be enough to scare the living bejesus out of me!!!  I do not like what I see, but I am the only one who can do anything about it.  I was on a panel at Weight Watchers this week, discussing how and why I've fallen off the plan, why I've stuck with it and how I plan on getting back on track.  It was a great discussion, and I really like the input and feedback from the whole group.  Like everyone else, it just seems to be a switch that we somehow shut off, and now need to turn back on.  All I know is that I am challenging myself to journal every day.  That's other lofty goals this week.  Just finish each day with a completed journal and then look to the next day.  Once a week I'll add another goal, such as water or exercise, but nothing to out of reach.  Tired of setting myself up for failure.

That's the week in a nutshell.  I am so tired from achy bones putting the bed together (dragging a queen sized box spring and mattress out of a dining room and into a bedroom takes a lot out a gal - thank goodness for crossfit!) combined with a new room and the recent heat spell Calgary is experiencing.  I feel like I've had 6 hours sleep over the last three nights.  No crossfit for me tonight, as I'm more likely to drop something on my head, but I plan on preparing my room, mind and body for a good nights sleep.

Now go lift something heavy!

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