Friday 18 July 2014

Circle of life and the DTs

Not sure how many more times I can get kicked down this year, before I just decide to stay on the ground, but for now...I pick myself up, I dust myself off and I step forward.

Because I like to start things happy, may I introduce the latest member to join my crazy little family, Maggie May.  She's a poly, like her Uncle George (but on her front feet only), a tortoiseshell and a Manx - no tail.  She is also a Ninja!!  She loves nothing more than to leap out of a hiding spot and "hi-ya!" on one of the unsuspecting boys!!  She loves Myle's tail (envious, perhaps?) and is getting into the usual kitten trouble.  I forgot how small they start out as, especially since it's been 18 years since I last had a kitten in my house.  And with the mooses I have now, it's also hard to believe they were ever this tiny!!

But as life is a circle, an 2014 continues to suck a$$, I came home from work on Monday to find my beloved George in medical distress.  He was unable to stand, or even move and lay on the bed wailing.  No, this is not a picture from Monday!  Anyway, I gathered him up and rushed to the 24-hr emergency vet clinic, where we came to the conclusion that he either had a stroke or some sort of seizure.  He did come around and was up walking, but it just wasn't with the same life as before.  I always vowed that I would never put any of them through anything, just so I could have them in my life a little longer, so after much tears (many, many, many tears) and hugs, we said goodbye.  He slipped away quietly in my arms.  Needless to say, I am devastated.   But since then both Simon and Myles have been extra cuddly, and Maggie does her best to make me smile.  They know.

Spent Sunday down at the Grounds, since it was the last day of Stampede 2014.  Went down early, thinking to beat the heat and the crowds, but forgot (and I'm a 3rd generation Calgarian...I should know this) that the gates don't even open till 11am.  Boo-urns.  Found a Starbucks, had a coffee and then wandered back...between walking to the train from my house (3.2km), Starbucks, the grounds searching for crocodile sliders (couldn't find them, settled for a bbq pork burger), mini donuts (my fave!), red velvet mini donuts (m-eh) and deep-fried cookie dough (m-eh, until I had a piece straight out of the freezer last night - got 3 in a serving, so threw two in the freezer when I got home - and O.M.G!!!), viewing the latest and greatest in the Round-up Centre, and the train home, I walked over 16k and felt every step Sunday and Monday night! I did make a purchase that paid for itself instantly though.  Personal massager that you can move around, so my feet, calves, hamstrings, butt, lower back and shoulders have all been very happy since Sunday!  Best $200 I ever to Maggie, that is.

 Didn't make it back to Crossfit till Wednesday, but it was a really good one, so I actually enjoyed it.  Well, after the first 15 minutes of overhead squat hell.  I can rack the weight, I can back squat and front squat the weight, but lift that bar overhead and try to squat and my entire body collapses in on itself.  My max weight for this is 15#.  I will add it to my long list of crossfit moves to conquer.  I can only go up from here.  The rest of the class was a hero WOD, DT.  

I stayed with a 55# bar, because the real test is what you could lift from the shoulders to overhead portion.  You could choose to jerk, press or push-press, as long as it got over your head.  I went with push-press, as it's a move I can actually do and comes smoothly for me.  The deadlifts at 55# were fast and easy, but I noticed the weight cleaning it from the knees to the shoulders.  Oddly enough, the push press felt the best.  I managed to finish in 13:29, well before the 15 minute cut-off.  That felt best of all!  First time I finished a WOD before the time cap!

Still feeling DT today, especially in the shoulders, but I'll head over for another sweat-fest after work.  At least it's not as hot today (hit 35C on Wednesday, but felt 10 degrees warmer in our little old Box) and even the smoke from the area forest fires seems to be lifting.  The rain last night seems to have helped with both.  Tonight's workout is the 14.4 WOD from the Open earlier this year, which I didn't do, but judged.  This time the time-cap will win, as it's many moves I have not mastered yet.  But I'll go do my modified best!  And tomorrow morning is race #3 of the 5Peaks series.  I missed #1 due to a cold, and came in last at #2, so we'll see if there's any improvement this go round.  It's just outside Calgary, and I've run there before, so it will be challenging but "only" 7.2km.  Pfft, I can run 7.2km.

Now go lift something heavy!

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