Friday 11 July 2014

Oh Babs... could a WOD named after my lovely mother be so unkind to me??  Did this killer on Wednesday, when it was about +867,254 degrees Celsius inside the Box.  The massive industrial fans did not help...not one little bit.

But back to Barbara:

5 rounds, for time, with a 40 minute time-cap, forced 3 minute rest in between each round, so, really, you now have 28 minutes to complete the WOD.  I am still in modification mode, so my pull-ups became ring-rows.  I was actually surprised by how many others at that class were rowing, and not pulling.  Normally I'm the only odd person out, but I to fight for rings!  While I've been doing push-ups from the knees, Coach B showed another alternative that I thought might be easier on the wrist, doing the push-ups off a box.  Elevates your upper body, taking some of the weight/pressure off the arms, so you can work on both strength and form, before moving back to the knees, and then ultimately toes.  I had to flip mine to the 30" side, to ensure my body was touching the box - chest to the deck, no cheaters here - but found that the wrist held out well.  Sit-ups are no problem for me, although the larger belly does get in the way these days.  And I really concentrated on breaking plane with my squats, ensuring my hip crease went below my knees.  They felt good, and Coach B didn't correct me, so they must have been right.  Despite...or should that be "in spite" of all that, I managed 3 full rounds in the 40 minutes.  Gasping for air at the end, it was all I could do to hold the camera above my face and not drop it!  Yes, I am laying down for this shot.

Cleaned up as best I could, as it was the usual Wednesday run club (aka beer night)...this is "cleaned" up.

The +35C temps were not helping at all.  I honestly admitted that I prefer that temp with the little minus sign in front.  I can always bundle up...I would get arrested if I stripped down!!!

It is Stampede week, and I have to say the move out of the downtown core has been HEAVEN.  Yes, it's for my own home, which is awesome in it's own right, but this is the first time in 18 years that I can sleep with a window open (too close to many bars/pubs where I used to live), that I haven't set my timer to the bang/kabang of fireworks (although I did faintly hear them on Tuesday - wind must have been blowing the right direction) and don't have to worry about cleaning up clothes and trash and unmentionable stuff left all around my building.  I know it's a 10-day party...I am a 3rd generation born and bred Calgarian, but come on people...we were all raised better than that.  Not even sure if I'll make it down to the grounds this year, but am debating Sunday morning.  I like to wander around, but I don't do the rides.  And I want to try some of the newest eats...the deep-fried cookie dough is getting rave reviews, as are the deep-fried pop-tarts.  I thought there was deep-fried (sensing a theme here...) PB cups, but it's actually the sticks.  Not nearly as good.  And there's red velvet mini donuts.  So many temptations, so a good day of walking will be in order either way.  

We had a Stampede breakfast here at work, with the VPs cooking up a storm for us...bacon, turkey sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes and hash-browns.  Live country band, and much visiting among the staff.  It was fun.  But I just don't do the whole dress-up thing any more.

I didn't even bother trying on my blue jeans, despite finding them in among my piles of stuff left to unpack (finally put the dresser together, so I really should sort and unpack) as I have managed to find an extra 30 pounds this July over last.  THIRTY!!  WTF?!?!  Even my boots didn't fit, as I couldn't get my freaking foot in them.  Gah.

I took a selfie, and almost deleted it, but here it is, in all my glory.  

It makes me sad.  And extremely disappointed in myself.  I know a lot has to do with the butt-kicking 2014 has handed me this year, and dealing with the injury/arthritis/whatever the heck it is, but still.  THIRTY!!!  And it all appears to be hanging off my face.  Can't go to the boobs...nooooo...

I'd like to say the buck stops here, and the silliness is over.  I'd like to say that, but I am also a realist.  So, my goal is one day.  I just have to get through today without crashing and burning and that's it.  No plans for tomorrow, no lofty goals for hundreds of pounds gone.  Just today.  Survive today without inhaling a fridge, and getting off my butt for a good sweatfest, and I will be happy.  Write down what I ate, how I felt and what I did TODAY and that is all.  I will get back to you on the progress.

Now on to happier things!


Now go lift something heavy.

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