"Susan" - the deceased wife/mother of a member and their 5 children. Gone far too soon, far too young and for all the wrong reasons. The WOD was put together by another Box, where they used to be members, and since this was the 3rd anniversary of her passing, it seemed appropriate that we did it as a team for our member. D's strength and composure at the beginning of class, explaining why and how the WOD came to be was inspirational. How he held it together amazed me, as I (and many others) fought back tears of our own.
Now on to the WOD:
Her birth month was 12
Her birthday was 13
and together she and D had 5 amazing, beautiful children. We would soon begin to wonder why they didn't use birth control (HIS WORDS, not mine!!!).
I hate burpees...with a passion. HATE THEM. Add a broad-jump to the mix, and I am sooooooo unhappy. Sadly my broad-jump is approximately 18cm in length. Okay, maybe a whole foot, but that's pushing it!! Realizing that a) there technically wasn't a time-cap and b) I had a 10:45 appointment, I gave up on the jumping and took 3 steps forward after each. Still took me a good 10 minutes just to get the first round done. Also didn't help that the field was wet from the previous night rain and filled with soggy poops from the critters that live in the area, and what you get is a whole bunch of slipping and "ewwws" from the crowd!
Back inside, I deadlifted 85# (which felt really heave at first, but got easier as I went along), jumped up on a 12" box (yay me!) and did my ring rows, which are getting stronger. Hoping to be back on the bar soon. Side note - bought myself a doorway rack so I can start working on pull-ups from home, even it means just practising my hold and working on my lat strength. Having to go back outside for another 120,689 burpees was hard after the 5 rounds, but we all did it, with D encouraging us the whole way. I forgot to look at the clock, but figure since the next class had started, it took me roughly 40 minutes to finish. I understand he and his family (his children also crossfit) did the WOD at the 10am class, and did great.
After the WOD, and fitting that we were all sweaty, a group of us did the #ALSicebucketchallenge. I don't have the video handy, but once I get a copy of it, I'll post it. Quite a few of us did it as a train, so there were lots of screams and laughter. Also donated to the Canadian chapter of ALS, but am happy to see all the money being raised everywhere.
Cleaned up and went to donate blood...was a little late, and the place was busy, which is a good thing! Donation #52 went smoothly, and then I enjoyed my treat and bowl of soup.
Celebrated Coach B's 30th, although I noted I was graduated from college and looking for full-time work when he was born (yes, I am THAT old). Got home late, after a long day, so basically spent all day yesterday lounging. Did manage to change all the litter (someone explain to me why I want 3 cats?!) and a load of laundry, so I guess it wasn't a total write-off.
Happy Monday - looking forward to a week of awesome WODs, maybe a PR or two and the last long weekend of summer.
Now go lift something heavy!