Monday 4 January 2016

The first Monday of the new year, EVER

It's always interesting how busy everything gets, that first Monday of the new year. The office was crowded and loud, after a week of skeleton staff. The cafeteria line up was longer at the microwaves than it was at the grills and I even had company on my walk in at 6:30 this morning. The kicker was crossfit - it was PACKED. I had decided earlier today to commit myself to the full week, so I reserved my space at 5 pm every night. I'm guessing it'll be like this for the next few weeks.

I started this week ready to roll. Yesterday was spent in the kitchen, roasting a half a salmon, mixed vegetables (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and carrots) as well as making a pork stew in the slow cooker.  I have 4 containers ready, as well as two portions of the pork.  Tonight, the chicken I bought went in the oven, and is also ready for a quick grab and go meal.  I think that is the key...when I get home from working out, all hangry, the last thing I want to do is start cooking supper. Two minutes to heat up and I'm eating. That makes for a happy Carol.

Crossfit was fun, given my leg was still crabby from the New Years shenanigans. Didn't help that I have a blister from my walk to work this morning, so that was changing my gait and causing more aches and pain. But crossfit beckoned, so off I went. Power cleans - I am getting better at those, but I still pull too much with my arms and don't trust my hips enough. I did manage to lift 90#, but failed on the 92.5#. Next time!  The metcon (cardio) portion was fast and furious. In 8 minutes do as many rounds as possible, with each round consisting of 6 clean & jerks (weight from the floor to your shoulders, and then jerk it over head), 9 chest to bar pull-ups (yup, exactly as it sounds) and 12 box jumps. The prescribed weight was 95# for women, but since I just failed at less than that, it was time to modify. I tried 65# but decided to work on form, so dropped to 55#.  Ring rows replaced the C2B that I can't do (yet) and my "box" was 10" of stacked weight plates.  Managed 2 full rounds, and almost completed round 3...damn, 8 minutes is FAST.

Home, ate, cooked the chicken, did my plank challenge and attempted some pull-ups. Time to update here, and then wash my face, floss and to bed nice and early. Mr. Fitbit likes to remind me that I average 4.5 hours a night, so something else I need to work on. Trying to set some good habits, so the next 21 days are key.

Happy Monday, everyone.

With gratitude,

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