I started a journal, but not one in the traditional sense. Every time I've tried in the past, I write a few pages and then nothing. My OCD tendencies demand a new book every time I try, so there's always a pile of partially completed journals lying around, and no real thoughts written down. So I was intrigued when I found this one.
The Five-Minute journal - write down 3 things you are grateful for first thing in the day, 3 things that will make the day great and a daily affirmation. Then, before you go to bed, you jot down 3 amazing things that happened during the day, and one thing that maybe you would have liked to have gone better. Grand total = 5 minutes. So far, I've completed it every day...starting a good habit.
I've also been pretty consistent with the walking to/from work, only jumping in a car2go a couple of times. And same with crossfit. I've managing about 5 times a week right now, and even though I look at some of the workouts with dread, I go anyway. Well, unless it involves skipping...then I tend to be a bit more choosy. My ankle hates me after all that jumping around, and I still can't do a double-under to save my life! I suppose if I practiced more...sigh...guess no more cherry-picking over those days, huh?
This was a great week, as I PRd twice (personal record), and RXd (completed as prescribed) another. The first PR was the snatch, a move I struggle with, so I was doubly proud of the 57.5#. Especially since I almost didn't go, as I really don't like this move. I pull too much and bend my arms too soon, but practice makes perfect, right? The other was a dead-lift, which is a move I actually enjoy. My ultimate goal is body weight, so the goal is to drop that, while raising the weights lifting and meet in the middle. In the meantime, I'll take the 165# - there was jumping around and ringing of PR bells! Lots of sweating as well, as the metcon (cardio) portions of the WODs have been killer.
After crossfit yesterday morning, I went to the grocery store and stocked up for my week. I may need to sell a kidney if I insist on eating cauliflower! But today has been spent prepping meals, and planning, laundry, washing dishes and getting ready for the week ahead. After a full day, I have salmon, chicken, roasted butternut squash, cauliflower rice, Asian chicken and beef "chili" and home-made almond butter. There are now 4 lunches, 6 evening meals, snacks and fruit ready for my week. My fridge looks very stocked and ready to roll.
Time to empty the dryer and clean up the dishes remaining in the sink. I'm going into this next week with clean sinks, counter-tops and clothes. That should leave the evenings for crossfit, catching up on some reading and early to bed. No muss, no fuss!
There isn't anything more to say...
With gratitude,