Sunday, 5 January 2020


Wow - I'm sure I've said this before, but it's really worth saying again. As you get older, time really does fly by. Where did 2019 go? What did I even do during the past year? Other than run from work to work to work, I don't as many memories as I would prefer. Yes, I had an epic road trip with 4 other awesome ladies (5 women, 1 pick-up truck, Calgary to Salt Lake City!!) and completed my Level 5 Pathway at Toastmasters, came in 2nd at a division contest but what else? Oh, that's right, managed to pack on an additional 30 pounds over the year. THIRTY!!! WTF?!
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I look happier than I feel about it, trust me!!!

So here we sit, on January 5th, and what am I going to do about it?? I still go to WW every week, but pretty much just been going through the motions. I rejoined the gym at work ($10 a month, who wouldn't??) and am actually using it now. Sadly, just paying the fee every month does nothing for your cardio or physical self. And I just came in from a 45 minute walk through the 'hood. And a brisk walk at Pitbull to keep those feet moving quickly!!!

I've joined a group of fellow masochists on Facebook, aptly called #75Hard. No, there isn't 75 of us, but we each committed to 75 days of the following:

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I think the real focus of this is the actual commitment aspect. The water part is hard, as I've never been a drinker, unless it's brown and caffeinated. So I have to play little games with myself to challenge and track. But I've committed to do this, so here goes. I also liked that it started on Friday, not January 1st. Today is day 3, so far so good. It's forced me to really buckle down with WW as well, and show that the program works when you work the program. Sticking with the Blue program for now (they introduce two more choices just before Christmas) but I may go back to Green (the Basics) for a while, just really drive home the good food choices and habits.

What are you all doing to make 2020 different from last year? To make this decade different from the last? Big plans, dreams?I'd love to hear them all...see what they spur inside of me. I'll dig into my goals for the year/decade in another post. But here's a teaser...I want to blog consistently. Aiming for once a week, for now, again, just to rebuild the habit.

Thanks for reading,
Carol W.